What is Art Therapy?
Art therapy uses the act of creativity as a therapeutic tool.
The piece of art created is not as important as the creative process itself, facilitated by the art therapist, and it is this that enables children and young people to explore their feelings, develop awareness, manage their behaviours, develop social skills, understand and lessen their anxiety and increase their self-esteem. Art therapy can be used alone, or in combination with other therapies, and is particularly valuable for children and young people who find it uncomfortable, and sometimes impossible, to engage with talk therapies. I have found it particularly effective when working with children and young people with anxiety, clinical depression, autism and selective mutism.

The subject of, and techniques used in, the artwork are dictated by the child or young person’s needs and abilities. Methods can include, but are not limited to, drawing, painting, sculpture and collage. Fluid art, a technique I find particularly valuable, when acrylic paint and pouring medium are used to create an organic, free form painting effect with vibrant swirls and cells of colours, is often a relaxing and satisfying starting point. I provide plenty of space and a wide choice of materials, so important to allow the freedom of expression needed.
Art Tuition
As a working artist and former university art teacher, I love to communicate my passion for art and share my technical expertise. I can provide art tuition in many media, with the aim of developing creativity and freedom of expression, and I can also mentor the production of portfolios for GCSE and ‘A’ Level Art.