Contact & FAQs
The CDC.London is here to help you find the service that is right for you.
To contact a team member directly select their service from the drop-down menu when submitting an enquiry via our contact form. Please also feel free to mention practioners by name in you message. If you are still unsure of how you would like to proceed, select a general enquiry and we will get in touch with you to help you find the best way forward.

How do I know what kind of assessment I need?
Contact our Assessment Lead Adele Monsef. She can help you decide which assessment pathway is right for you.
Do I need an assessment to use different parts of this service?
No – although we are a close network of professionals we offer individual and group services. Please contact whomever you feel is right for your situation.
What if I still don’t know what to ask for after looking at the services page?
On our contact select the general enquiries option. We will let you know who would be the best first point of contact.
Will my inquiry go to the person I want to speak with?
Yes – to contact a specific team member simply include the clinician’s name within the text of your enquiry.